
Westfield College Magazine Advertisement for Vacation and Land Work 2

Westfield College Magazine advertisement for vacation and land work, May 1917.

As woman's college Westfield was able to continue during the war relatively unchanged. However it has been suggested that there were tensions between those staff and students with pacifist tendencies, on religious grounds, which included the Principal Miss Agnes de Selincourt and the others.

Image Courtesy of Queen Mary University of London Archives.

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Westfield College Magazine Advertisement for Vacation and Land Work

Westfield College Magazine advertisement for vacation and land work, May 1917.

A 'War Club' was formed by Miss Sergeant, a history lecturer, with the mission of 'thinking' and 'doing'. Members discussed problems of post war reconstruction, and during the vacations carried out fruit picking and other land work, such as sweeping snow from the Hampstead streets, in order to earn money for the Red Cross. They also dispatched letters and parcels to prisoners of war.

Image Courtesy of Queen Mary University of London Archives.

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